Already have
- Holiday Lights / SIB+ROC: for the dance and talent shows
- Water Bottle Holders / SIB+ROC: Using Felt/T-Shirts to sew water bottle holders
- White Paper Bags
- Generator
- Lanyard String to make key rings
- Sports/Field Equipment
- Flash Lights
- Felt /: arts and crafts – to make Jerseys for Sports Day, and Flags for Country Day (In Storage)

Still need
- Empty - rinsed - 2 Liter Bottles / SIB+ROC: arts and crafts
- Musical Instruments /SIB+ROC+DAY Cans, Rubber Bands, Shoe/Tissue boxes, 8" Pie Tins
- Meal Donations / 200 SIB, 230 ROC, 120 DAY
- Marshmallows + Cornstarch / DAY: Snowball battle
- Ornaments / SIB+ROC+DAY: arts and crafts: blank ornaments to paint on and decorate
- Craft Sticks and glue to make picture frames
- Acrylic Paint / SIB+ROC+DAY: arts and crafts
- CD Cases, Musical Instrument Ideas… SIB+ROC+DAY
- Decorations for the Dance / SIB+ROC: things like streamers, glow sticks, necklaces...
- Blank or Random T-Shirts
- Sharpies, Colored Markers, Kid Scissors / SIB+ROC+DAY: can never have enough
- Streamers, balloons, poster board
- Water Guns / Slip ‘n Slide
- Empty Plastic Eggs / SIB+ROC+DAY: all camp egg hunts
- Candy & Toys for Eggs
- Board Games (Candy Land, Shoots & Ladders, etc…)
- Santa Gifts, Stockings
- Trophies/Medals-awards for Favorite Sports/Olympics
- Cardboard boxes to make cars for the drive-in movie
- Projector
- Canopies (12’ x 12’)
- Gift Cards, Costco, Smart & Final, Visa, Master Card
- Soda / SIB+ROC: for volunteer and teen camper use
- Rockstars,RED BULL...energy drinks / SIB+ROC: for volunteer use to keep up w/kids
- Duct Tape / SIB+ROC: arts and crafts project: Multiple colors is what is needed.
- Fat long shoe laces used to hang name tags

Interested in helping out with the wish list?  Please drop off your donation at the American Cancer Society on our scheduled drop off days. 
    A) Friday 4/15 before 5pm and
    B) Friday 4/29 before 5pm.

The CR4TS Leadership staff has scheduled these two drop days as storage at the ACS is very limited.  Please let us know what you plan to donate by posting a comment below this post.  Thank you all for your help. 
- Empty Toilet paper+Paper Towel Rolls / SIB+ROC+DAY: arts and crafts
