Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the registration period for CR4TS 2011 is officially OPEN!!!

Special thanks to our webmaster Acee for making the update on the site. 

Please visit to access the volunteer forms.  And yes, the forms have changed for this year.  We will need you to print them out and mail them in to the following address:

American Cancer Society
attn CR4TS
2655 Camino del Rio North, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108

If you are a returning staff member, you can expect to get a call from a leadership staff member.  They will inform you of the volunteer deadline date that we will need your forms in by.

The winner for first volunteer packet turned in and completed is: Karina Moyano!  But since she works here in the office and can turn in her forms by walking approximately thirty feet. 

This years real winner is Christopher SUNDOWN Gish!!!  What?  Mistake?  No.

Congratulations Sundown.


  1. Ya, not only did Sundown turn his forms in early, he was early for a meeting too! Whoa responsible! :) Camp *does* make a difference!


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