After my mother passed away to breast cancer in 2002 I was looking for something to fill the loss, so I volunteered for various programs such as Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Courageous Kids, and Relay for Life, but I still lacked self-fulfillment in my life. I even fund raised where I received a tremendous amount of support from friends and family, but it wasn't until I took part in Camp Reach for the Sky the healing process truly began. Camp has enabled me to take a stance against cancer and make a difference in others' lives who have been affected by this disease.
Camp is a community of love, support, and encouragement for campers and volunteers alike, which have in turn taught me to be a leader, mentor, and cultivate strengths in others. If it wasn't for this camp I do NOT know where I would be - probably still searching for a place to confide where I am understood and share the same passion for this cause. Camp is my home away from home, and I look forward to that one week out of the year where I can "heal" just as much, if not more than the campers.
- Pete aka Tuna
"We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another." - Luciano De Crescenzo
Camp Makes a Difference
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