In an effort to save, save, save on supplies and materials, all three CR4TS sessions this year will have the same program theme. Thank you for contributing to the many ideas. Know that we have saved all of the ideas for future reference, so don't feel bad if we didn't go with your particular suggestion for this year. Who knows, maybe one these notable stand outs will be a part of next years theme days.
NOTABLES: Pigs+Hooves Week, Be Your Best Week, Mohawks+Mullets Day, Facebook Week, Dress as your favorite Fruit or Veggie Day, Robot Day, Tim Burton Week, Theme parks Week, and lastly, Random Day. Random Day was a very out of the box suggestion from a camper. He suggested that this theme could be a "do whatever the heck you want for the entire week" sort of theme.
The WINNING theme: "Your Favorite's"
Sibling Camp:
Monday- Your Favorite Country
Tuesday- Your Favorite Sport
Wednesday- Your Favorite Movie
Thursday- Your Favorite Music
Friday- Your Favorite Holiday
Resident Oncology Camp:
Monday- Your Favorite Country
Tuesday- Your Favorite Holiday
Wednesday- Your Favorite Movie
Thursday- Your Favorite Music
Friday- Your Favorite Sport
Day Camp:
Monday- Your Favorite Music
Tuesday- Your Favorite Country
Wednesday- Your Favorite Holiday
Thursday- Your Favorite Sport
Friday- Your Favorite Movie
*Note that even though all three camps have the same theme, the days and activities are still very different depending on programs and events for each session. The program directors are adding their own special spin on each of these theme days. So if you are one of those peeps that plan to attend multiple sessions, know that the days at CR4TS won't be exactly the same across the board. In an effort to save a little more, we will soon be posting a "Wish List" full of things that we will need for programs and events. Please keep your eyes out for that list (almost finalized) in the coming days.
Camp Makes a Difference...
NOTABLES: Pigs+Hooves Week, Be Your Best Week, Mohawks+Mullets Day, Facebook Week, Dress as your favorite Fruit or Veggie Day, Robot Day, Tim Burton Week, Theme parks Week, and lastly, Random Day. Random Day was a very out of the box suggestion from a camper. He suggested that this theme could be a "do whatever the heck you want for the entire week" sort of theme.
The WINNING theme: "Your Favorite's"
Sibling Camp:
Monday- Your Favorite Country
Tuesday- Your Favorite Sport
Wednesday- Your Favorite Movie
Thursday- Your Favorite Music
Friday- Your Favorite Holiday
Resident Oncology Camp:
Monday- Your Favorite Country
Tuesday- Your Favorite Holiday
Wednesday- Your Favorite Movie
Thursday- Your Favorite Music
Friday- Your Favorite Sport
Day Camp:
Monday- Your Favorite Music
Tuesday- Your Favorite Country
Wednesday- Your Favorite Holiday
Thursday- Your Favorite Sport
Friday- Your Favorite Movie
*Note that even though all three camps have the same theme, the days and activities are still very different depending on programs and events for each session. The program directors are adding their own special spin on each of these theme days. So if you are one of those peeps that plan to attend multiple sessions, know that the days at CR4TS won't be exactly the same across the board. In an effort to save a little more, we will soon be posting a "Wish List" full of things that we will need for programs and events. Please keep your eyes out for that list (almost finalized) in the coming days.
Camp Makes a Difference...
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