Well hello again camp family. I know what you’re thinking: ‘the CR4TS Flashlight on the Camp Directors is over… What is the lead investigative reporter doing back on the blog so soon?’ Well I will tell you, as the lead investigative reporter I never stop investigating (or reporting for that matter) so when your very own CR4TS Camp Administrator Mr. Robby Medina also known as Yoda finally allowed me to interview him I jumped at the chance. He is a very busy man you know, opportunities like this don’t come along every day! And while I am sure we all feel like we know Yoda… His favorite movie? The Princess Bride. His favorite color? Scarlett Red. These are givens. But I bet few of us actually know the origins of his camp name (I know I sure didn’t before this interview) or his favorite camp memory. So I hope this edition of the Flashlight really lets the true Yoda shine (yeah I that just happened). But enough of my ramblings, on to the good stuff…
Flashlight: How long have you been involved in camp?
Yoda: I have been involved with CR4TS for 21 years. I know what you are thinking, how is this possible if Yoda is only 26! He just passed his ten year mark as CR4TS Camp Administrator. Was he 16 when he started as camp administrator? I’m actually not 26. I started at CR4TS as a ROC camper at age 13. My mom, not my sister, was approached by a nurse at then Children’s Hospital San Diego named Ginny Shumate. Ginny was the head nurse at camp and urged my mom to force me onto that bus. I think she said something along the lines of, “it will change his life…”
F: And has it?
Y: CR4TS has certainly played a huge role in becoming the person that I am today. I met my wife at CR4TS, most of my best friends are still involved with CR4TS and the thousands of kids I have met along the way have motivated me to work as hard as I possibly can at my job. I honestly don’t remember what life was like before I had CR4TS. I think life was probably full of days just sitting around thinking about baseball and bacon. I have been truly blessed to have met so many incredible people through CR4TS. No doubt Camp Reach for the Sky has changed my life.
F: Why did you want to get involved in camp?
Y: At first I honestly didn’t want to get involved with camp. My mom, not my sister, forced me to get involved with camp. Staying involved is a different issue. I remember my first bus ride to camp in 1990. The bus was yellow, had no seat belts, had no air conditioning, the windows were locked shut, the bus went 45 miles an hour all the way to Julian, it was a hot August morning, there was no water and no snacks on the bus, and there were 50 other kids on the bus yelling and screaming excited about camp. I must have had the “I don’t want to be here” look on my face. That’s when an older teen camper decided to sit next to me on the bus. He introduced himself and asked if I had ever played the game “Tetris?” He had Tetris on his Nintendo GameBoy. For those of you who don’t know, GameBoy was the FIRST portable video game system. Anyhow, he said that I should give it a shot. Today, I can proudly say that I am nothing short of a Tetris Master! And I have SeeWee Leal to thank for becoming such an outstanding Tetris player. I want to thank the makers of Tetris. The game has been supremely instrumental in teaching me how to pack the Penske for camp. *On a side note, I think that particular GameBoy was lost at camp that year. Much like cell phones, GameBoys shouldn’t be brought to camp…
F: Wise words you have to offer there Yoda. On that note, please explain the origins of your camp name Yoda- known for his wisdom (and awesome light saber abilities of course).
Y: Well when the administrator at the time, Barbara WINDY Wiggins, told me that I had to pick a camp name for Day Camp I tried to recall the things that I truly loved in life. My thought was that a camp name existed somewhere in baseball, art, Seinfeld, underwater dragon slaying and Star Wars. Then it hit me! Who is the coolest character in the Star Wars saga? Who is the one character that everyone admired for his leadership, his ability to listen to reason, ability to inspire, the ultimate team player, the one and only Admiral Ackbar. But it seemed a little lengthy so I went with Yoda. Additionally, find myself I do mixing up the order of the words when I speak, just like Master Yoda.
F: What are some of your previous camp roles?
Y: Camper at Resident Oncology Camp: CIT: Cabin Counselor, and Unit Leader with my wife Mountain Mama are the only other roles that I have held at CR4TS.
F: What is your favorite and/or silliest camp memory?
Y: I could write an entire blog just answering this question. I will tell you that one of my favorite camp moments happened this past year at Resident Oncology Camp watching Michael go up the Marston climbing tower. I had some serious goose bumps watching that amazing kid climb only with his arms. It brought me back to many years ago watching one of my hero’s Dustin climb the tower.
Silliest? Years ago my best friends and I decided it would be a good idea to entertain the campers by becoming the Spice Girls. Errol=Posh, Gabby=Sporty, Hoss=Ginger, Hey=Baby, Yoda=Scary. Let me tell you, it was scary. The best part about this memory is how Hey wouldn’t show any of us his Baby Spice outfit until five minutes before we went on stage during the talent show. We never laughed so hard as when he walked out of the bathroom fully dressed. If you guys can recall, his outfit was absolutely perfect. Perfect I say.
F: Unfortunately that is not a memory I recall, perhaps it was before my time. And I feel I speak for the whole CR4TS family when I ask for a picture of this. No pressure or anything, but seriously—how about a photo? Now back to camp this year. How did you feel about the universal theme?
Y: We have been talking about the UNITHEME for a few years now. Personally, I liked the UNI. It was cool because each camp interpreted the days differently and made it their own. I personally recycled outfits to meet all three sessions, as did Vapo, Bubbles, Sami, Butterfly, and Patty Cakes. We were still able to keep the traditions while sharing resources amongst all three sessions. I think it worked out well.
F: As did I. And since we asked all of the camp directors their favorites, how about some of yours? What’s your favorite camp food?
Y: My favorite camp food is unquestionably and without hesitation the Camp Cedar Glen, bacon. I admit to putting remnants of the morning bacon into a small plastic bag so that I may enjoy it later on in the day.
F: Well who hasn’t? What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?
Y: It’s a three way tie between Count Chocula, Coco Krispies, and Apple Jacks.
F: What’s your least favorite sport and why?
Y: My least favorite sport to play is soccer. However, I do like watching it on TV and in person. My least favorite sport to watch has got to be hockey.
F: What was it that you were most looking forward to at camp this year?
Y: Well, I was looking forward to seeing the kids. Just watching them all grow up is awesome. I remember when Kelsey Loo was in the youngest girls cabin. Now, she is a CR4TS graduate! How crazy is that? I also remember when Lia Jean and Trevor were 8 year old campers. Now they are both CR4TS grads. The times have changed and our campers are now looking forward to college life and potentially becoming the next wave of role models for our CR4TS campers. I was also looking forward to the Camp Cedar Glen bacon.
F: No one can blame you there. But enough about camp, let’s hear more about you. Where are you from originally?
Y: I was born at Naval Medical Center San Diego. Grew up in El Cajon California attended both Fuerte Elementary School and Holy Family Catholic School . When I went into remission my mom, not my sister, and I moved to Rancho Penesquitos where I went to Mira Mesa High School . So I am from here. I love it here. I often find myself asking why everyone doesn’t live here. You can play baseball year round here in San Diego .
F: How tall are you?
Y: 5’10 I think. 6’2 with heals.
F: What actor or actress would play you in the movie of your life?
Y: I have been called the white Taye Diggs and the bald Fred Savage. However, if it were up to me, I would have someone like The Rock play me.
F: And last question: If you could live anywhere in the world, other than camp, where would it be and why?
Y: I would live in a place where you could play baseball year round. I would like to live in a place where you could wear shorts in January and a jacket in July. I would like to live in a place where I could sit outside with my wife and my dog and just stare off into the sunset because the weather is perfect. Does such a place exist? Rancho San Jacinto ?
F: I do not know.
And that CR4TS family is your very own Camp Administrator Yoda. A dedicated and tireless worker, a player of the ukulele and guitar, the one the only Black Bart-- did I mention he was available for weddings??
I hoped you enjoyed this little glimpse into the ‘real’ Yoda, the man behind the Jedi robes, if you will. And when you see him don’t forget to thank Yoda for all of the work he puts into making camp our home away from home. Because while the force is strong with him, it truly takes a great man to make Camp the AMAZING place that it is!
-Victoria “Vicks Vapo” Valencia
Lead Reporter and Investigative Journalist
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