On My Mind

Hey Camp Family,

I know what you’re thinking “It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from the lead investigative reporter” and you’re right, it has been awhile. Too long in fact. But your lead reporter and investigative journalist has been busy reporting, investigating and mostly going to school.

(Fair warning before we continue- this blog post is more meditation than investigation.)

But I could only stay away from you for so long. And that is because CR4TS and all of the people that comprise it are some of the people I love and care about most in this world. While camp is only a one week out of each year (or for a lucky select few- three weeks) that beautiful camp spirit is alive and well all year long. Okay, so most of us don’t dress in drag, perform skits, chug hot sauce, “forget” to bathe, or chuck marshmallows at each other in our everyday lives. What does last all year is the love and care we have for one another: camper, counselor, and med staff alike. Because above all else, the spirit of camp is love.

What bonds us together is not just the struggle against pediatric cancer. That is what brought us together, but what keeps us together is a love for life and a love for each other in this crazy place called the world that we live in. Camp is a beautiful place where magic happens- where kids in wheelchairs fly up climbing towers, siblings gain the courage open up to one another, where a child affected by cancer has a chance just to be a kid.

It’s been a few months out from camp and as I was sitting on my couch in Salt Lake City, Utah, miles and miles away from San Diego, I suddenly thought of CR4TS. Well, not exactly suddenly, to be honest camp is always on my mind. Whether I am actively thinking about it, singing (or more honestly muttering) camp songs to myself, or reminiscing on fantastic camp memories- CR4TS is always with me.

And that realization: that CR4TS is always with me struck me as so simple, yet so overlooked sometimes. We all get caught up in our everyday lives- finals, traffic, chores, etc. Sometimes we’re stressed out, we feel lonely, or sad or confused. But remember that CR4TS is always with you. Camp is a place where you will always be loved; camp will always be your home. And that love, care and appreciation doesn’t end when you step off the busses.

So when I call you my camp family, know that I mean it. Every single time- I MEAN IT! I love every single one of you and can’t wait til we’re back home at camp singing, laughing, crying, loving. And until that beautiful camp season rolls around again, it is that love that will sustain us.

And that, camp family, concludes the ramblings of your lead investigative reporter. I promise I won’t stay away for long, after all camp is always on my mind.

-Victoria “Vicks Vapo” Valencia

Lead Reporter and Investigative Journalist

Camp makes a difference.


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