Back for his 4th year at Siblings, Julian takes one giant leap for mankind by becoming this year’s Head Teen Boy Counselor; a sleepless, sometimes painful, but very fulfilling position, which Julian is looking forward to.
“I think my role will be changing a bit this year so I’m looking forward to the new challenge, as well as just seeing all of the returning campers and hanging out with all the peeps. Camp food (especially the lasagna) is really good!”
But before Julian arrives at the Happiest Place on Earth (which is not Disneyland fyi), he spends his time getting all caught up at work and organizing everything before he leaves. “If I have time, I’ll look for cool costumes for the theme days, otherwise, it’s just running around like crazy before finally getting on the plane.”
That’s right. A plane. The sacrifices and negotiations CR4TS staff make in order to be at camp is quite astounding. But then again, it’s pretty much a no-brainer. To be or not to be is not a question often heard here.
“I feel like I’m part of a family and I really like seeing how much fun all the campers have over that week. Also, it feels awesome to be a part of something that so strongly and positively affects the kids. I also love how much camp provides a place where the kids are supported and made to feel special.”
SIBS is its own unique world that, sadly, only takes place one week out of the year. Julian specifically listed the campfire and Foodwheel as his favorite camp activities, but with paintball, ropes course, making ice cream, the dance, it is a FULL week of abundant fun!
And even after only one year of volunteering, the camp memory bank begins to fill up quite quickly. Julian, with 3 under his belt, remembers fondly Patrick’s (a fellow counselor) milk puking at the food wheel, “which was breathtaking, especially in slow-mo.” And “last year, one of my campers conquered the ropes course for the first time.” Julian also mentioned when another one of his camper’s dressed up as a ninja during campfire and threw out glowsticks, while everyone called out Steveeeeeee. (If that makes no sense to you, find our camp application and get yourself to SIBS.)
Another HUGE part of Camp is, of course, camp songs. And though it can get a bit annoying constantly hearing them in your head for weeks on end, they certainly do rev up the spirit and cause fits of laughter. Julian’s favorite: “For some reason I like Yoda’s version of the ‘Peel the Banana’ song. I like how psyched up he gets when he does it. It’s like he is at boot camp or something.” And I would definitely have to agree.
7 days later and the worst part of camp happens, it is over. L And transitions have to be made in order to coexist properly with reality again. “I sleep for about 12 hours (seriously) after going back home….then I’m a zombie for the first couple of days back at work.” Oh the joys of life after camp week. At least we all have the following year to get excited about again!
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