Get to the CHOPPER!!!

Known by his camp name "Chopper" he started his American Cancer Society volunteering career with us twelve years ago at Camp Reach for the Sky Resident Oncology Camp and quickly fell in love with the mission of helping those dealing with a pediatric cancer diagnosis. 

Jim, Brian and Lexi

In addition to his current role as Resident Oncology Camp Director, Brian is also a Relay For Life Team Captain and Committee Member for the Mira Mesa/Rancho Penesquitos RFL, a volunteer for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Daffodil Days and the Gift of Hope Campaign, a day of volunteer for the ACS Golf Invitational, volunteer at the front desk of the ACS office in San Diego and lastly, a soon to be Cancer Prevention Study 3 Community Champion.

On September 18, 2012, Brian was awarded the San Diego Border Sierra Region Volunteer of the Year award. 

Dr. Reza Shirazi presenting Brian with the award

Please join me in thanking Brian for all that he has done in the fight against cancer.

Brian is the FOURTH Camp Reach for the Sky family member to win the Volunteer of the Year Award joining Melissa "Gator" Lovell, Sami Kern and Steve "Wizard" Wutzke.  

Camp Makes a Difference...
