Camp Clarification : )

Good afternoon campers!

By now, most of you have received a letter stating the fact that the American Cancer Society will be phasing out of a few programs in the coming year.  Among the national programs being phased out are Man to Man, Transportation financial assistance (does not include Road to Recovery, which will continue), I Can Cope, the Young Cancer Survivor Scholarship Program and all of the pediatric camping programs, including Camp Reach for the Sky. 

To clarify, CAMP REACH FOR THE SKY IS STILL A GO FOR 2013!!!  Form the Forms!!! 

The American Cancer Society has three pediatric cancer camps in California, Camp Reach for the Stars, Camp Summersault and Camp Reach for the Sky.  Unlike many camps across the nation, all three California camps will carry on as planned for this coming summer. 

The 2014 camping season will also carry on as planned.  However, next year a partnering organization will handle all of the administration factors surrounding the camping programs.  We here at the American Cancer Society have been told that a formal transition announcement to this new organization could be made at any moment.  We promise to keep everyone in the loop as soon as we get the official word.

We know that there are many rumors flying around out there.  Please help us to squash those rumors by remembering and repeating the following important facts;
        A) Camp will continue 
        B) This is not the last year 
        C) Next year is not the last year 
        D) Again, CAMP WILL CONTINUE and that is all that matters!!!

Once again, the American Cancer Society's Camp Reach for the Sky will continue to roll on as planned for this coming summer.

If you haven't registered your camper yet, please visit and get those forms to us here at the American Cancer Society as soon as possible.  Form the forms, form, form, the forms...

Camp Makes a Difference... CR4TS Forever...   
