CR4TS New Online Policy


Dear Adult Volunteers and Parents,

Social networking sites have created a situation and environment that potentially counteracts the long-standing mission and goals of Camp Reach for the Sky and the American Cancer Society. 

In compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 2000, and to provide Camp Reach for the Sky campers a physically and emotionally safe environment, both during and after camp, the following policy will be enforced.

The official “Camp Reach for the Sky Participant Social Media Policy” is as follows:

As of April 5, 2013, all adult volunteers must not be connected (through any social media sites, such as but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…) to any campers that are under the age of 19. If an adult volunteer is personally connected to campers under the age of 19, they must terminate that connection immediately. 

Camper and volunteer communication may continue on the designated Camp Reach for the Sky social media pages only.  It is the policy of the American Cancer Society and Camp Reach for the Sky that no volunteer shall:

Make available or share any individually identifiable photos of campers on their personal pages. This includes posting of pictures on a social networking site that have campers faces in clear view, “tagging”, or identifying campers’ by name in a caption.
Discuss or display, through links to campers, images of misconduct that would not be found in the camp setting such as drinking, smoking, drug use, violence, vulgar gestures, inappropriate language, suggestive or revealing photos, sexual activity, etc.

It is highly recommended that adults no longer associated with Camp Reach for the Sky also follow this policy.  

The American Cancer Society and Camp Reach for the Sky reserves the right to immediately terminate the involvement of any volunteer who is found in violation of this policy.  It is the responsibility of all adults associated with the American Cancer Society and Camp Reach for the Sky to assist with the enforcement of this policy. 

If you have any further questions please contact the Camp Reach for the Sky Leadership Team through the camp-line at 619-682-7427, or you can contact the Camp Administrator Robby Medina at

Thank you for your immediate attention to this situation.  Only with your help and understanding can we continue to provide the confidential and safe environment for our children to express themselves. Our adult volunteers, though young, serve as influential role models to all of our campers, and must behave accordingly.

Page Donovan, Camp Advisory Chairperson
Peter DiLeva, Sibling Camp Director
Devon Sampson, Day Camp Director
Brian Bonert, Resident Oncology Camp Director
Robby Medina, Community Missions Director
Paula DalPont, Regional Community Missions Director 


  1. As the parent of children who have attended your camps for several years, I appreciate your message regarding social media and personal contact that could be misconstrued as inappropriate. Kudos to you for keeping your camps and volunteers at the peak.


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