Hello Seany's Camp Reach for the Sky!
By now you have received notices about registration and completing the process. Please work to get your shot records and insurance cards into the CampDocs.com system as soon as possible. The number of registered campers is important for planning and supplies. If you are having difficulties with your registration and uploading your files, please email the Camp Administrator at ramedina@theseanyfoundation.org and we will be able to assist.
The theme days for this year:
Sibling Camp//
Comic Book Day
Harry Potter Day
Dr. Seuss Day
Once Upon a Time Day
Choose Your Own Adventure Day
Resident Oncology Camp//
Dr. Seuss Day
Classic Monsters Day
Comic Book Day
Willy Wonka Day
Harry Potter Day
Day Camp//
Wizard of OZ Day
Fairy Tale/Nursery Rhyme Day
Super Hero Day
Willy Wonka Day
Willy Wonka Day
Dr. Seuss Day
Camp Makes a Difference...
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