Seany's Camp Reach for the Sky
2016 Volunteer Awards: summary
SIbling Camp Award Winners
SIBS Volunteer of the Year QUEEN B
SIBS Rookie of the Year KNEECO
SIBS Rookie of the Year ROSHAMBO*
SIBS BOYS Standout Counselor CHUCKLES*
SIBS BOYS Standout Counselor POSEIDON
SIBS GIRLS Standout Counselor KITKAT
SIBS GIRLS Standout Counselor SUNNY*
SIBS TEENS Standout Counselor STIBI
SIBS TEENS Standout Counselor SPUD
SIBS Most Spirited RARA*
SIBS Most Spirited GUVNAH
SIBS Best Buddy/Best Listener LIGHTNING*
SIBS Best Buddy/Best Listener JAMMER*
Day Camp Award Winners
DAY Volunteer of the Year BULLDOG
DAY Rookie of the Year LITTLE
DAY Rookie of the Year DUCKETS
DAY BOYS Standout Counselor BLOCKHEAD
DAY BOYS Standout Counselor TALLTOES*
DAY GIRLS Standout Counselor FRENCHIE*
DAY Most Spirited DORA*
DAY Most Spirited RAILROAD
DAY Best Buddy/Best Listener RAZZLE*
DAY Best Buddy/Best Listener COCO
Resident Oncology Camp Award Winners
ROC Volunteer of the Year JOJO
ROC Rookie of the Year BAMBI
ROC Rookie of the Year BONGO*
ROC BOYS Standout Counselor JUJU
ROC BOYS Standout Counselor BOOBOO
ROC GIRL Standout Counselor KSMALLS*
ROC GIRL Standout Counselor MIGHTY MOUSE
ROC TEENS Standout Counselor LO*
ROC TEENS Standout Counselor BLUE*
ROC Most Spirited GABBY
ROC Most Spirited DIVA*
ROC Best Buddy/Best Listener SAMI
ROC Best Buddy/Best Listener RESCUE*
The Chris Ramirez Award
2016 PPS Volunteer of the Year COUGAR
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