How do we use social media to brand ourselves and leave our mark?

We all use social media differently but many of us are not mindful of the message we are trying to convey. Many times we repost a catchy meme, screen shot the funniest memes, pose “just because” the light was amazing, or we sort through the 1,000s of photos of our loving pets.

We hear more and more often “once you post it to the internet it’s there forever” which is true, even when we delete our accounts. It is much different growing up now in the digital age. Before the digital age we had the luxury of making our mistakes off camera. We didn’t have the pressure of needing to look camera ready all the time. We didn’t have a constant online highlight reel to compare our lives to. We also didn’t get left out of events and planning for not having social media accounts.
Growing up pre-digital age we also had the luxury of connection. Although we perfected the craft of writing letters, we still did most of our communication face to face. We used to pick up the phone just to chat and we spent our time playing outside rather than YouTubing videos of others who were playing outside.

Social media, however, can be a very beautiful tool if used properly. It allows us to stay easily connected with our loved ones around the world. We create beautiful digital photo albums that remind us of memories from years past. We also get to express ourselves and share our platforms with the world.

Here are 5 simple things to brand yourself through social media presence:

1. Be Authentic – Someone posed the question “what does beauty mean to you?” and my immediate response was AUTHENTICITY         ! In a world where we can create fake profiles and highlight reels, be exactly who you say you are. It’s ok to not always be in the gym or have a face full of make up. It’s ok to be at home relaxing and not on some tropical island. Everyone says “Live your best life” which is true, live it. Just make sure that your best life one that brings genuine happiness. We tend to gravitate to those who are genuine because it’s rare. Your story is worth telling, flaws and all.

2. Be Mindful – It’s important to mindful of what we are posting. We see, too often, how many old photos, videos, and messages come back to haunt us. It’s important that we exercise self control and learn to regulate ourselves. Our ways of communicating through screens has made it entirely too easy to say whatever comes to mind in the heat of the moment without having to face the repercussions in the moment. Imagine if we had to wear the words we said on our body for everyone to read, would we still say the things we do?

3. Know Your Values – We have to know what we stand for and what we represent. We speak and do things every day but it’s rare that we are mindful of moving within our values. Typically, we become mindful in moments of conflict or decision making but don’t think about them much beyond that. It’s important to think before we post. Are we posting out of emotion? What message are we trying to send? Of my values, what values is this post inline with? If we can’t answer these questions, maybe we shouldn’t be posting.

4. Do not compare yourself to others – This goes back to the first point, be authentic. There is no one else on this earth that experiences the world like we do, so why would we try to create posts as though we do? We may have some shared experiences, but no two experiences are the same. Whether you travel the world or channel surf from the comfort of your own home, you are just as magical either way.

5. Be Informed – All of these points are important and all of them take work and being uninformed is never a reason to post on social media irresponsibly. We now have access to virtually any information we want right at the tips of our fingers. If you have access to social media, you have access to the internet which means you are only one google search away from becoming MORE informed. One of the biggest parts about being informed is also being accountable for the things we post, say, and do.  It’s ok to make mistakes, as we are continuously evolving, but we need to be responsible.

Although your values or other aspects may evolve and change over time, if you stick to these 5 key components, you will be maximizing your brand. Our social media platforms should represent who we are, what we stand for, and have purpose. We all represent something, make your platforms work for you and make your statement, LOUD and bold!
