Camp Song Wednesday!!! Third Issue

Chartreuse Buzzards

3 (hold up 3 fingers) chartreuse (fingers curled up by mouth as teeth) buzzards (hunch shoulders, look mean)
3 chartreuse buzzards (same actions)
3 chartreuse buzzards (same actions)
Sitting on a dead tree (arms out as branches, head lolled to one side)

Oh LOOK (shade eyes with hand), One has flown A-way (point to the distance)
What A Shame (one hand at forehead in a dramatic gesture)

2 chartreuse buzzards (same actions as above, but hold up 2 fingers)...
1 chartreuse buzzard (same actions as above but hold up 1 finger)...
No chartreuse buzzards (same actions, but shake finger "no" at "No")...

Oh, Look (shade eyes with hand), One has RE-turned (beckoning motion)
Let us RE-Joice (arms up in joy)!

1 chartreuse buzzard ...
2 chartreuse buzzards ...
3 chartreuse buzzards ...

By FAR the most appreciated CR4TS campfire song of all time.  Thank you Briten for gracing our CR4TS world with this beloved song. 

CR4TS Chartreuse Buzzards from Robby Medina on Vimeo.

Camp Makes a Difference
