Please allow me to introduce...

Erin Fletcher aka Sparkles, is a 4 year ROC veteran and is already counting down the days until July. "I'm super excited to meet our newest group of LITs."  As well she should be as she is the LIT Co-Leader, following in the footsteps of the fabulous Diva. LIT is a special group of staff here at CR4TS, and as our leaders-in-training, very important to the legacy of Camp and counselorship.  Sparkles is not only a role-model for campers but she also excels at mentoring her group of LITs, there definitely could not be a better fit.
Luckily, if we track back to 4 years ago, she was in the right place at the right time. Sparkles worked at a cancer center and saw an advertisement from ACS for volunteers for Camp.  "I thought it seemed like a really cool organization to get involved with." Too right. And she has been back ever since.
"Every week of CR4TS is different, but they always seem to end the same way: with new friends and memories that remind me how absolutely amazing life is and how wonderful people can be. CR4TS is always the best week of my year!"
As our interview came to a close, I couldn't help but ask, "what is your favorite camp activity?"
"Too many choices!!! If I had to pick, probably the talent show. It always blows my mind how talented our campers are!"
And yet her talent is overwhelmingly clear to us, being a camp counselor! Thank you Sparkles for the last 4 years and here is to many more!
Camp Makes a Difference...
