We Want YOU!

Become a camp counselor and make all your dreams come true.  If you are wondering, what is CR4TS?  I would advise you to take the time and browse this blog (or pop over to cr4ts.org), and become familiar with the Camp Reach for the Sky family.  If you’ve heard of Camp and are interested in joining the troops, read on – as I have detailed a day in the life of a camp counselor.
Skip ahead 4 months, a beautiful Sunday summer afternoon and you are surrounded by kooky people of all ages, hugging and speaking in tongues.  Welcome to your first day of Camp week, and staff training. (Sidenote: all new staff will have previously attended a separate training the week before).  That afternoon will be full of rules, guidelines, helpful tips, suggestions, role-playing, a slide show, ice-breakers, camp songs, trivia, games, Sami’s cookies, Doc talk, tent/cabin assignments, unpacking and tons, and tons of laughter. Welcome to the best week of your year, scratch that, your life.

Sunday training will quickly lead to Monday morning, which means CAMPERS! After being too excited to fall asleep the night before, and jittery from all that morning coffee, you will now also have the addition of hyped up nerves from anxious energy.  Get used to that feeling, it will keep you going for the next 5 days. Depending on which Camp you are at, SIBS and/or ROC versus DAY, the campers arrive at different times, however; Monday is dedicated to laying down the ground rules, getting to know your group, having your group getting to know each other, everyone settling in, etc. This is a very exciting time, soak it in!

Again, depending on which Camp you have chosen, either you leave at 4PM (DAY) or continue the fun at the stay-the-nights (SIBS and ROC), though the schedule and activities structure is pretty much the same. Example for DAY (SIBS/ROC): campers arrive (breakfast), tent time, activity rotation begins – Mister’s world, field, arts & crafts, special guests, pool (canoe, archery, climbing wall, field, paintball, arts & crafts, pool, etc) – with either 2 or 3 activities before lunch and same after, campers go home (dinner then fire pit, dance, talent show, food wheel).

Now, expand all of that into a week, with the added ingredients of chaos, exhaustion, fun, laughter, and pure delight. You will never want to leave. Oh, and please remember, Camp revolves around the spirit and enthusiasm of its counselors, meaning, we highly encourage the utmost attention to our themes and dress up days as well as one’s performance of all camp songs. The crazier the antics, the more fun the campers will have.

If you are interested in applying as a counselor for this summer please visit http://www.cr4ts.org/ to access the forms.  Camp makes a difference…so can you.
