"Why I Relay..." -a recorded speech by our HULK

At the first unofficial Camp Reach for the Sky, Relay For Life held at Point Loma Nazarene years ago, our dear friend Chris HULK Ramirez delivered *this epic speech

Special thanks to "Samson" for archiving this and sharing it with all of us.

The Mira Mesa Rancho Penesquitos Relay For Life on May 18+19 is the current site of the unofficial Camp Reach for the Sky Relay For Life.  Come check it out for a few hours or stay the entire time.  Come to Opening Ceremony 10AM Saturday, Survivor Lap 11AM, Luminaria Ceremony 9PM, maybe join a team, maybe form a team or maybe just walk a few laps with CR4TS peeps!  Closing Ceremony will be at 9AM on Sunday. 

If you are interested in any of those things please visit www.relayforlife.org/miramesaca for event details.  We hope to see some of you out there rocking your favorite CR4TS gear. 

Camp Makes a Difference...

