Official Policy on Social Media

The exploding use of social networking sites has created a situation and environment that potentially counteracts the long-standing mission and goals of Seany’s Camp Reach for the Sky and The Seany Foundation. 

The official “Seany’s Camp Reach for the Sky Participant Internet Policy” is as follows:

In an effort to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 2000, and to provide Seany’s Camp Reach for the Sky campers a physically and emotionally safe environment, both during and after camp, it is the policy of The Seany Foundation and Seany’s Camp Reach for the Sky that no volunteer shall:

Make available or share any individually identifiable photos of campers. This includes personal posting of pictures on a social networking sites that have campers faces in clear view, “tagging”, or identifying campers by name in a caption.

Discuss or display, through links to campers, images of misconduct that would not be found in the camp setting such as drinking, smoking, drug use, violence, vulgar gestures, suggestive or revealing photos, sexual activity, etc.

It is policy that volunteers do not directly “connect” become direct “friends” or direct “fans” of campers that are under the age of 18. It is encouraged that volunteers do not connect with parents of campers as well, though policy does not prevent a volunteer from doing so.  The Seany Foundation highly encourages all social media contact between volunteers and campers/families take place on the closed group "Seany's CR4TS" to protect campers, volunteers, and our camping programs.  If a volunteer does form a link with a family associated with Seany’s Camp Reach for the Sky, it is the volunteer’s responsibility to ensure the necessary precautions are taken to ensure he/she is in compliance with this policy.

If a volunteer is found to be in violation, they will be asked to remove such content.  If the volunteer does not immediately comply, The Seany Foundation reserves the right to immediately terminate the volunteer’s involvement with The Seany Foundation and Seany’s Camp Reach for the Sky.

It has come to our attention that several camp volunteers may be in violation of this policy.  If you believe you are one of them, please review your social networking site and make the appropriate changes.  What you do on your personal time is up to you, however, by exhibiting these images to Seany’s Camp Reach for the Sky campers, volunteers are in direct violation of our code of conduct and are not being good role models to our campers.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact the leadership team of Seany’s Camp Reach for the Sky via email at

Thank you for your immediate attention to this situation.  Only with your help and understanding can we continue to provide the confidential and safe environment for our children to express themselves.


Peter TUNA DiLeva, Chairperson Camp Advisory Team
Devon FLAME Sampson, Day Camp Director
Brian CHOPPER Bonert, Resident Oncology Camp Director
Mariela ELLA Jimenez, Sibling Camp Director
Robby YODA Medina, Director of Pediatric Programs and Services
