Camp Wish List for 2015

Books Turned into Movies is the universal theme for Seany's Camp Reach for the Sky this year.  I hear The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, Harry Potter, LOTR, Hunger Games, The Princess Bride, Lord of the Flies are favorites?  What others come to mind?  Actually, we probably won't be bringing the Lord of the Flies into our camp setting this year.  Please stay tuned for a more detailed list of what our programs have in store.  

Below is our initial WISH LIST (subject to change) for this coming summer.  Much of the things we have planned will directly enhance the universal theme.  If you are able to help us out with a piece of the following list, please send us a message.  Thank you in advance for your consideration and we look forward to hearing back from you. 

Program Supplies
·      Batteries (AAA, AA, C, D)
·      Small Flashlights
·      Duct Tape
·      Water Balloons
·      Glow sticks+glow necklaces
·      Ziplock Gallon Plastic Bags
·      Rock Salt
·      New Sleeping Bags
·      New Beach Towels
·      Gift Certificates (Target, WalMart, Costco, Smart and Final)
·      Gift Certificates (Restaurants, movie theaters, entertainment etc.-raffle prizes)

·      Hair Dryer
·      Facepaint
·      Modeling Clay
·      Lanyard String
·      2.7mm paracord
·      Rubber Bands
·      Scotch Tape
·      Duct Tape
·      Spray Paint
·      Small Stickers
·      Temporary Tattoos
·      Blank White TShirts
·      Blank Color TShirts
·      Fabric Coloring Pens
·      Sharpie Markers
·      Posterboard

·      Connect 4
·      Playing Cards
·      Othello
·      Uno
